Monday, September 19, 2005

Monday Monday

What a crazy weekend. It consisted of Latin Dancing, Sailing, Breakfast with the boys, Frisbee, Church, Old friends, A corn roast/bonfire, and very very small amounts of sleep. This is the stuff that makes life worth living!

I got to the office this morning at 8AM (I haven't been late for work in a couple of weeks!) and made a pot of coffee (which I nearly drank myself), turned on my computer, and went to check my email, but horror of horrors, the internets was down! No email, no surfin', nothing! I felt so detached. I'm fine all weekend, away from the office (I rarely touch a computer these days outside of my office), but as soon as I get her monday morning I'm in a panic cuz I can't check my email. What if there's something urgent! Anyway, it's obviously been fixed now, hence this post, but it took until 1:30, when a professional finally came in. Apparently I'm not a big enough geek after all.

I've been listening to a couple of Craig Cardiff CD's today, which are excellent. Check him out some time.


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