Thursday, September 22, 2005


I feel hungover, but haven't had a drop of alcohol in a few days.

I'm having one of those days. Last night, my world got turned completely upside down again, for the second time in a few weeks, by the same girl. "You're a real sucker for punishment", you say. "I am," I respond. But, I'd like to think that I might have actually learned from this, and that's the last time I'll ever have to have the break-up conversation. It's times like this when the cliche Christian phrases and encouragement, though full of truth, don't really cut it.

Well, not all of life is a swift, well placed kick in the balls. I got into work this morning, and there was a nice email from my boss, stating that effective this past Monday, I get a raise! There is a God!


Blogger Fungineer said...

Hey all, sorry for the downer, ultra-personal post. Just felt like venting on my blog for once...

10:12 a.m.  
Blogger HCJoel said...

That's the point of blogs, homes. Sorry to hear that bad news. But, on the flip side, sounds like she's got some issues and you don't need that shit.


5:46 p.m.  
Blogger Fungineer said...

well said.

12:02 p.m.  

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