Friday, June 10, 2005

it's in you to give

I gave blood yesterday. They keep track of how many times you give, and yesterday I was awarded with a button since it was my 10th donation. Back in highschool we used to have competitions to see who could have their pint of blood drained the quickest. Continuously clenching/unclenching your fist works the best. I think some guys even went for a run before giving blood, but by the time you get through all of the questions about drugs and sex and sex for drugs and drugs for sex and the myriad of other questions a good 15 minutes has passed and you've caught your breath. Anyway, my record is a little of 3 minutes. Last night it took me 4.5 and I wasn't even trying. I wanna get under 3. The Roger Bannister of the blood donating world.
The best part though is the free cookies and unlimited orange drink when it's all done!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

in kingston we get pepsi. In the states we can sell our blood.

10:44 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fucking vampires...

10:44 a.m.  

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