Wednesday, October 11, 2006

To be honest, going to the dentist is usually not an unpleasent event for me. I usually schedule my routine check-ups for early in the morning. My rationale is that 'Sportscentre' on TSN usually runs all morning on a half hour loop, and my butt is usually firmly planted in the dental recliner for about half an hour, catching all the previous nights highlights. They usually hand me a remote control even before I sit down, and make my chair comfortable for me, propping my head up with a pillow for both optimum comfort and prime viewing of the ceiling mounted flat screen plasma TV. I've decided that If I ever see a dentist chair at an auction I'll buy it. How awesome would that be to lie back, and watch TV on the ceiling.
I guess this is yet another reason why I won't get cable (or a dish, or whatever...) - it will make my trips to the dentist less exciting. I never get to watch sportscentre, since I only get CBC, Global and TVO. That's TV Ontario, not TiVo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your dentist pic is requiring a login, any chance you can remove it from this post?


8:50 a.m.  
Blogger Fungineer said...

it's fixed

8:58 a.m.  

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